IDOT Transportation Information Websites




multiple websites to subscribe to personalized traffic reports mapping system with individual maps for winter road conditions, truck permit routes, road weather information, travel information, bicycle routes, construction locations, traffic volumes, truck routes, functional class


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Illinois Dept of Transportation Central Bureau of Information ProcessingOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Transportation Information Center

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
TIC Interactive Traveler Information'TIC Interactive Traveler Information' disseminates personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, parking information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. Tailored information is provided based on the traveler's request in this interactive service.False
TIC Traveler Information Broadcast'TIC Traveler Information Broadcast' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. The same information is broadcast to all equipped traveler interface systems and vehicles.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Gateway Traveler Information System GTIS
Gateway TravelMidwest Website
IDOT District 1 Bureau of Traffic – Arterial Signal Operations
IDOT District 1 Bureau of Traffic – Expressway Operations Unit
IDOT District 1 ComCenter