City of Chicago DOT Divvy Bicycles




Bicycle vehicles equipped with GPS devices which can be rented from Divvy bicycle stations. They are owned by the City of Chicago, and maintained by the private partner.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
City of Chicago Department of TransportationOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Vehicle OBE
Basic Vehicle

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment'Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment' includes the traditional on–board systems that pay for tolls and parking electronically. It includes the 'tag' in–vehicle equipment that communicates with the toll/parking plaza and an optional interface to a carry–in payment device. See also 'Vehicle Payment Services', which provides a broader range of payment services.False
Vehicle Location Determination'Vehicle Location Determination' receives current location of the vehicle and provides this information to vehicle applications that use the location information to provide ITS services.False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Private Parking Lots